Walking the mata nacional. Above the village of Barao de Sao Joao there is "floresta de pinheiros", called the Mata. Barao de Sao Joao is easy to acces from Lagos. Either you come from the A22 high entering or your follow the sign Bensafrim in Lagos and follow the inner road, When you at the end of the A22 a roundabout, turn right to Bensafrim, cross the village and at the end follow the sign " Zoo of Lagos" which is heading to the village of Barao. On the top of the hill you can see the village, follow the road until you arrive at the church on your left hand, turn left and immediately go right. Follow the road to Sao Miguel. Turn right on the first road you meet at your right side, go along the cafe "Palmeira" and follow the small road upwards the hill until you are outside the village. Park your car and start your walk.
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